Angela's Projects

I am a former mathematics teacher seeking an opportunity to make a career switch into technology. With the guidance of established web developers in my network, I am self-teaching current and relevant technologies based on their experience and recommendations. My ultimate goal is to find a fantastic company seeking a passionate employee willing to learn and contribute.
For smaller projects and large JavaScript tutorial projects, please visit:

Bob's TO-DO

Example ToDo: Google Bobiverse Quinlan

This is a full-stack application.
I built the front-end using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript then hosted it with Firebase. I built the back-end using Node.js, Express, and SQL queries. My API is hosted on Render and my database is hosted on phpMyAdmin (MySQL).

Users can create a new todo item by clicking the "TODO" button at the top. Users can also delete todo items by clicking the X next to each item.
All todo items are required to have a description, type and priority. Users can then sort their todo items by priority, type or date.

At the moment this is only for the purpose of gaining experience in full-stack development and is not set up for multiple clients.
In the future I hope to add a login and authentication for each user. Then in my database I can differentiate one user's items from another and each user will see only their items. I also hope to add an update feature for todo items so that users can update the priority of an item as they continue to procrastinate.

Bob's TODO List is inspired by the Bobiverse series by Dennis E Taylor (recommend!).

Reading List

Example ToDo: Google Bobiverse Quinlan

The front-end of this app uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and it is hosted with Firebase. When the user searches for a book title, the app makes a call to the Google's Books API using async/await and fetch then displays the title, author, and a description. The user can then add a book to the reading list. Books on the reading list can be marked "finished" or be removed.

At the moment this app has no data persistence. I will be updating this app in the future to connect to my own api in order to save a user's reading list on my database. Login and authentication features to follow.